It’s okay not to be okay.

Therapy for Christian Women in Florida.

Sometimes just praying about it isn’t enough.

Have you ever prayed and prayed for relief, but found that things haven’t changed? It can be frustrating. But God often places people with special skills and abilities in our paths for a reason. He calls us into fellowship with other believers, and to lean on each other in times of need.

Sometimes letting other people know you're hurting can allow for deeper fellowship and healing.

You don't have to do it all alone.

How Therapy Works

There are many instances in the Bible of people seeking out others for wise counsel! It helps you to alleviate the burden of trying to do everything while feeling confident that your faith and values will be at the foundation of what you’re receiving.

You may find yourself struggling to see your worth. Caught in a comparison trap of seeing yourself as not good enough or inadequate. As though everyone else got some memo on how to navigate life, but it missed you.

My heart is to help Women of God to reconnect with the image God sees in them. To put aside their feelings of shame and start to believe in their strengths and capabilities. To find comfort and support as you navigate some of the things you may be wrestling with. There is strength in working together, and I strive to help you break through what you’re experiencing while incorporating your relationship with God.

You can develop skills and techniques to aid your mental health by working together. It’s not a sin to wrestle with anxiety, depression, trauma, or low self-esteem. But it can be a burden. It can hinder you and lead to suffering you weren’t meant to carry. You deserve to get relief from these hardships. As a Christian Woman and a Clinician, I can incorporate both faith-based and evidence-based techniques into our sessions. So that you can feel confident that Christ will remain at the center while you get the help that you deserve.

How Therapy for Christian Women Can Help You

Therapy for Christian Women Can Help You:

  • Learn skills to help you manage your emotions.

  • Discover how old pains and traumas can still be impacting you today.

  • Deepen your relationship with God and others.

  • See yourself the way God sees you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy for Christian Women

Please reach to me at if you cannot find an answer to your questions.

  • Although therapy is meant to be preventative, most people don't start until they're already struggling. If you're finding yourself repeatedly wrestling with the same things, aspects of your life are being negatively affected, your quality of life is rapidly decreasing, or you feel like you've lost control of your life, it is likely a sign to reach out for therapy.

  • Your faith is likely the foundation for how you navigate your life. By working with a Christian counselor, you can feel assured that you'll be working with someone who has similar beliefs and values as you.

  • This can vary from person to person. I recommend doing at least 3 months of weekly sessions and then re-evaluating whether your goals are being met, or if progress is being made.

    Some clients may see improvements after just a few sessions, while others may require longer-term therapy.

  • Weekly sessions for at least the first 3 months. After that, we can reassess what would be best for you.

    Biweekly or once a month sessions are not available for new clients.

  • Finding someone that you can afford, and is accepting new clients is just the first step. Not every therapist will be the right fit for you. Check out my blog "6 Signs You've Found The Right Therapist" for things to look out for during your search.

  • Book a consultation call with me! We can see if we're the right fit for each other and if we are, we'll get you scheduled to start sessions! Book a session here!

"Healing does not mean going back to the way things were before, but rather allowing what is now to move us closer to God."

- Ram Dass